Sour Dough Sandwich Loaf

Sour Dough Sandwich Loaf


  • 300g bread flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 100g sour dough starter (assumed to be about 1 to 1 flour and water)
  • 180 g water

Special tools:

  • brotform
  • dutch oven


In a medium sized bowl, add the water and starter to the flour and salt and mix to combine, scraping the flour away from the sides, bringing the dough together.

Cover and let sit for about 30 minutes.

Turn out the dough onto an unfloured surface and knead for a few minutes.  The dough will be very sticky, so use a scraper and wet your hands if it sticks too much.

Let the dough rise again for about 12 hours.

Punch down and shape it into a boule, firming it up by tucking the edges under with your hands (palm up).

Flip it over and place it in a well floured brotform for final proofing, while your oven heats  to 250oC.

After about 30 minutes, turn the boule out and score an “X” in the top.

Bake the bread in the dutch oven for 30 minutes with the lid on, then another 5 to 7 with the lid off.

Cool the loaf on a wire rack.
